Monday, December 22, 2008

What is Energy Management?

Simply put, Energy Management is thought management. It is the process of building a belief system that is so powerfully fortified that nothing can get in to destroy it. This process has the power to take us anywhere we want to go!

For many years, I, like many people, was not aware of the enormous inner power I possessed, nor how to access and use it on a consistently productive basis. I had good days and not so good ones. Then there would be those times when a negative chain of events would seemingly create more bad days than good ones and I would find myself in a downward spiral. I heard someone say one day that life felt for them as if they were either leaving a problem, in the middle of one or headed toward one. That was me.

I tried to snap out of it by listening to many talks and / or reading books about the power of the mind, trying to figure things out. The authors or speakers said, “Whether you believe you can or you can’t, you’re right.” They said that a person must have a “burning desire and inner passion” to make a positive difference in their life. They said, “control your thoughts and you control your circumstances.” Wayne Dyer says, “ What You Think About Expands’. Napoleon Hill writes, “Whatever a man can conceive and believe he can achieve.”

As true as these age old universal principles are, if they aren’t working for us, what good are they? We may know that it takes focus and belief in one’s self to make any significant changes in our lives, but if we don’t already have these mechanisms activated within us, are we doomed to struggle the rest of our lives?

Is success and peace of mind about any given situation only for the few who are fortunate enough to already possess these inner fundamentals?

If we aren’t among those fortunate few, will peace of mind, inner fulfillment, personal success and financial security forever elude us? Or, can these processes be learned and activated?

The short answer is YES!

You see, I believe that many of us are unconsciously engaging in Automatic Negative Thoughts or as I call them ANTS. Those ANTS sabotage everything we try to do, and may have been successful at doing this for years. We may know intellectually what it takes to live a more inspired and fulfilling life and yet we don't understand why we seemingly are unable to do what it takes and why we're not making the progress we hoped to make by this time. So we begin trying to combat those dreadful ANTS by making statements like "this year nothing is going to defeat me, I’m going to fight those negative thoughts,” But the more we give our attention to stopping the flow of ANTS the more they seem to multiply and infiltrate our thinking. Eventually, before we know it, the ANTS have taken control, and we, unconsciously, have helped them. Because what we think about expands.

Energy Management is the powerful, yet subtle system of thought management that provides us with the tools to neutralize the ANTS. It is a relearning process that begins first with noticing what triggers us, then learning how to step by step, and ANT by ANT, drain any negative power from the low level thought by refocusing on a slightly better feeling thought, then another, then another, until the negative feelings that were created by low-energy, dark thoughts become lighter and lighter and they are finally neutralized. This is the place where solutions, confidence and creative possibilities are born.

So here is a process for emotional energy management:

First, it is crucial that we access where we are emotionally at the present point and time. Negative thinking can be so insidious and such an unconscious habit that it may be difficult to recognize the pattern. Fear thinking, in particular, can be stimulated by others, like the media, negative people in our lives or the focusing negative past experiences. To be consciously aware of what we are dwelling upon is critical. So it is helpful to keep an energy diary, to become consciously aware of how we are feeling.

We, then deliberately take an emotional journey from where we are up the emotional ladder one emotion at a time. There are processes available to support us in this endeavor which we will discuss later. We are now learning how to monitor the way we are feeling, noticing the feeling tone behind our words and thoughts. This factor is crucial in the process of managing emotional energy, because our feelings are our strongest most reliable indicators of how we are thinking. It is impossible to manage every thought it is easier, however, to notice how we are feeling and track it back to a thought or thoughts and then work on our focus and moving of the emotional vibration scale. Once we get in the range of hope and optimism we are at the door of solutions.

Next we get in touch with our inner guidance system. This is that still small voice within that beacons us to higher ground and never fails us. It is referred to by many names but is represented here as our Higher Power, the Spirit of God. It is this place of inner connection and peace where we are able to release resistance which allows us to be filled with inspired creative ideas and solutions regarding any challenge that faces us.

Then we must get into action, however, now our action comes from an Inspired or In-spirited place rather than a place of fear. We can now move forward with confidence while at the same time staying in a place of optimistic anticipation for the evidence of our desired goal. It is a wonderfully powerful and joyful way to live life.