I was talking to a friend the other day who recently committed to a ritual for the Easter Season. She gave up meat which she loved. She gave up self deprecation and comparing herself to others ( which had become a bad habit). She found a prayer partner and committed to a daily time when they would connect. This continued for 45 days. During this time she reported back to me how wonderfully connected she felt. She felt mentally, spiritually and physically healthy. The bonus .. she lost a few pounds and didn't feel deprived. Funny thing is that she hadn't realized that she had established a ritual of sorts and that ritual was empowering her in wonderful ways.
Shortly after Easter ended, the ritual ended. Slowly the old habitual ways of thinking and eating began to creep back into her way of living.
This is a common phenomena. As an energy management coach I see it all the time, actually, I have experienced it myself. You see, while she was continuing her spiritual ritual she was feeding her soul and focusing on good feeling thoughts which nourished her spirit (her emotional energy). Because she was also releasing inner resistance, a side bonus was that she was open and available to receive inspired ideas, even though this was not her main motivation. As I told her, the awesome fact is that she has the power at any time she so desires to re-establish a new ritual.
I have found throughout my life, that peace of mind, joy, optimism, creative ideas are always available to us, but when we are looking the opposite direction, primarily at what we perceive to be missing in our own lives or dwelling on the negative stories of others, then we don't have vibrational access to those inspiring emotions ... we just can't feel them. Daily rituals are an antidote for staying in that connected place. What is so very wonderful is to realize that at any given time we so desire we can decide to stop allowing negative conditions, fear, anxiety, anger, disappointment, self deprecation, hopelessness and other low level energy thoughts by feeding our souls through participating in a self created ritual of Spiritual Connection.
Another very good friend of mine says his daily ritual consists of working out and feeding his mind and positive affirmations and listening to empowering messages on his ipod. He says when he leaves the gym he feels invigorated and totally ready to take on the day.
Do you have a ritual? You deserve some me time. Pick a place and time to nourish your soul and watch how you are uplifted. Peace and Blessings