Have you ever desperately needed an answer or solution about something in your personal or career? Have you found yourself playing over and over the mental movie of the problem and the fear of what might happen it you didn't find an answer and find it fast? Have you been in a place where the more you dug around for an answer from a place of fear .. you not only felt worse emotionally .. but still no answer? I think this has happened to everyone I've ever coached including myself at one time or another. In fact it happened last week.
As an emotional energy management coach I am always focused on what is the lesson here? What is the Universe trying to teach me or tell me? Of course the more frustrated I became the more out of alignment I found myself. If there was a lesson to learn, I couldn't see it. I had allowed myself to move so far out of spiritual alignment (the place of calm knowing that all is well) that both the lesson and the solution had escaped me.
Well it was after 5PM anyway so I reluctantly surrendered, packed up my things including my computer and went home. On the drive home I was hoping that after the computer cooled down maybe it would reset itself. That would be great! But the lesson in all this was still missing me. Was there a lesson I asked myself or was I reading too much into all this?
The weekend was busy and with other activities on my mind and I forgot about my computer challenge until returning home on Saturday. I grabbed my computer when I got home, held my breath, turned it on, crossed my fingers and toes and with my eyes glued to the screen watched the little arrow freeeeze again.
This time the lesson began to reveal itself as it always does when I am open to it. And here it is. There is not only a lesson but a solution in every challenge but we will not have access to the solution until we are able to relax, let go and trust. For me, this meant If I could let go of my entangled frustrated energy and clear the emotional pathways for the expectation of an answer .. It would reveal itself. It meant I had to deliberately manage my thoughts and consciously declare that I do have control over what I choose to dwell on, that I could decide to either focus on what wasn't working or use that energy to focus on possibilities and perhaps even get in a little gratitude for what was working and then consider my options.
As I think back over my life and career including every difficult and seeming impossible situation or transaction this process has proven to be incredibly powerful over and over again. I remember the times I've said to myself and others when coaching we cannot get to solution from frustration, anger or fear. Somehow, someway we must stand down, step back, let go and step into the feeling that even when we may not see the answer at that present moment, still there is an answer hovering to reveal itself to us.
And so for me, the pathway was cleared and the answer was revealed. Something occurred to me that I didn't see before and that some of you reading this may have though of immediately. Reset! The computer needed to be reset to it's original configuration! How do I do that and will I lose files? Google it, I thought. If that doesn't work try You Tube! And there right before me was the solution! I had found a step by step demonstration on how to reset my exact computer. I followed the instructions and by the next morning my computer had gone through a reset. I gently picked up my precious little laptop that I had come to really appreciate in a whole new way and placed it own my lap and pushed start. The screen loaded up and somehow I knew this time all would be fine and then when I saw that little arrow moving everywhere that my mouse wanted it to I let out a howl! Alright! Praise God!
I then thanked God for the experience and the refresher on an old lesson. Faith and Fear cannot occupy the same place at the same time. Today I choose faith .. What about you?