Tuesday, September 2, 2014

What happens in Life Energized Coaching?

Life Energized coaching can take you above and beyond your own personal limitations. More often than not, people try to achieve their greatest potential, but don’t even realize what stands in their way. We can offer an unbiased and objective perspective, and can help you realize your patterns and habits.

Life Energized Coaching has supported 100's of Realtors in achieving success by:

  • Beginning with personality profile assessments such as the DISC test to determine your personality proclivities.  In other words we determine from the very beginning where your natural brilliances and talents are and where you need the greatest support. 
  • For Realtors we use an interactive goal setting program to determine the following:
    • Net income desired over the next 12 months
    • Broker split
    • Expenses expected for 12 months
    • Gross closed income (GCI) needed to reach desired net income
    • Total sales volume needed to acquire desired GCI
    • The % of business which will come from buyers vs sellers
    • The average percentage of commission from representing sellers vs buyers
    • Determination of the average sales price you will be seeking to work with, which geographical farm area or people farm will help to determine this price point
    • Next we will whether you be pursuing mets, non mets or a combination. This will determine your conversion %.  Non mets will be a lower conversion % as opposed to mets such as  past clients, advocates, SOI or a strong farm area. 
    • Then we guesstimate conversion percentage of calls to leads, leads to appointments, appointments to contracts and contracts to closings.
    • Lastly we break down the annual numbers to monthly and then weekly.
Then we use the Best Year Yet online 12 month goal setting and tracking program to :
    • To determine your BIG Why.  We build a vision of your goal destination.  We take peek at where you see  yourself in 12 months as if it's already occurred.  This is exciting!
    • Next we review actual accomplishments the past 12 months and even touch on disappointments and lessons learned.
    • Next we access limiting belief paradigms and begin to rebuild new strong empowering ones.  We crate new guidelines to keep us on track.
    • Then we discuss personal values and the various roles you play in your life for the purpose of building a well rounded plan that supports, business, financial, self care, family, spiritual, mental and emotional stability. 
    • It is here where we integrate the real estate production goals we previously discussed.
    • We then create the top 10 goals in our life which gives us our final print out of annual goals.
    • Then we look at quarterly milestones.
    • Our monthly and weekly goals then support our quarterly milestones.
    • We stay on track together with strong accountability and determine when we are off the path and why.  
    • You will score yourself after each week, month and quarter and have an opportunity to view your progress objectively.
During this incredible coaching process you will have a printed goal sheet after each session to keep close by as you move closer and closer to your goal destination and you receive prospective, accountability and processes to manage emotional energy so that it supports not sabotages your progress.  You experience encouragement and celebrations. 

For more information click here or visit www.life-energized.com or call 888-899-3610 to schedule a complimentary session.