Sunday, August 3, 2014

How to Maximize SEO

Search-Engine Optimization, or SEO, can seem like a mystery to even informed social media professionals. With so many components that go into getting your page a good ranking, how can you keep track of all the pieces that matter AND implement a winning SEO strategy? has taken a stab at organizing the apparent chaos with its Periodic Table of SEO, arranged by on-the-page SEO, off-the-page SEO, violations, and blocking. Here are a few takeaways we’ve gathered from it; for more information, view the chart at
  • Content is King – Topping the “on-the-page SEO” category, content continues to be the most important element to a webpage’s success. Winning content is that which includes quality (both in being written well and in having information of substance), researched keywords, engagement (tracked by bounce rates), and freshness.
  • Link it Up – SEO success isn’t just about what you do – it also involves what your readers do on your site, including what links they post on your pages and how much your page gets linked elsewhere on the Web. Are the links from trusted, respected web sites? That builds your SEO credibility as a likewise trustworthy, respectable page. Again, quality matters more than quantity.
  • Beware Spam and Blocks – SEO is smarter than some give it credit for, catching those “tricks” some try to implement to up their page rankings. This includes the major faux pas of paid links, linked spam, and cloaking (showing search engines a different page than humans). These techniques make the quality of your content questionable – after all, if it could stand on its own legs, these sort of techniques wouldn’t be necessary. Another SEO damager is if – and how many – people are blocking your site from their search results. If someone actively avoids your site, it reflects poorly upon your ranking.

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