Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Don't Let Your DREAMS ... Slip Away

Sometimes in the seemingly challenging circumstances of the day, heart wrenching events in our lives and others and frankly, the need we feel to survive, we have a tendency to forget the substance and the reason behind our original Dreams. There is something within me that is screaming "DON'T LET YOUR DREAMS SLIP AWAY!"

Why is it so vital that we keep out dreams alive? I believe our dreams energize us and keep us motivated and inspired. Sometimes just visualizing the manifestation of our dreams ignites us from within. We've all experienced that tingle in our gut as we contemplate what our lives would be like when our dreams become reality. I've coached agents and others and watched their eyes light up (even through tears) as together we go on an imaginary journey of their life as they see it through their "dream" eyes. I believe our dreams give us purpose .. a reason to keep putting one foot in front of the other and moving forward regardless of the perceived circumstances in our lives.

Here are 5 strategies which can be very supportive in invigorating those dreams that may need a little CPR.

First, go back and pull up those dying dreams and dust them off and begin to breathe new life into them. Live them in your minds eye as if they are realty now, feel the excitement and joy that exudes from the vision. Let it embrace, stimulate and embrace you.

Next, remain open to receive inspired or inspirited ideas as to how to move close to the manifestation of your treasured dream.

Then, journal the inspired feelings you are experiencing and anchor them. Include any new ideas that swirling around in your mind.

Now it's time to go into action, regardless of how insignificant you may feel these action steps seem to be, do it anyway. This is part of giving it life. Here is where an accountability partner may be helpful.

Lastly, HOLD THE VISION! Create a vision board to look at everyday and to be a reminder of your BIG WHY? Stay in gratitude and focus on what's working, for there is always so much more working than not.

Live in the glorious NOW ... the present moment. In other words find ways to be happy NOW, find joy and appreciation wherever and whenever you can, rather than putting happiness on hold while working on manifesting dreams. When we can practice living in the joyful NOW .. a funny thing happens, the reality of our dreams are expedited and we can enjoy the journey.

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