Monday, December 18, 2017

"Surrendering to the When"

One of my most powerful life's lessons, has been the importance of "Surrendering to the When".

For some, the thought of not taking the bull by the horns,  and taking charge and forcing things to happen is not even an option, even with undesirable out comes.

I confess this profile fit me too,  in my earlier years.  As a young strong Black women who has mothered 9 children, most of which was during a time of being on a limited budget,  the tendency was always to be entrenched in finding solutions for all of the challenges thrown my way.

Many mothers within our Women Energized and Empowered community are experiencing the same situation today, right now.

This way of thinking became the process by which I survived, but not how to live in an atmosphere of joyous solutions, which is quite different from just surviving.  Seeking the path of joyous solutions was when "Surrendering to the When" presented itself in my life.

During my 73 years on this planet, life has shown me very specifically that there are times when we have to let go and let God and Surrender to the When.  In my experience, this usually happens in that space between where we are having a challenge of some kind and when the solution shows up.

Occasionally there are situations and circumstances which will occur in life which seem to be beyond our control, and yet, we do have control of one thing.  How we choose to think!  And where we choose to place our focus!

Are we churning the problem over and over in our minds trying to find the answer at the level of the problem only to be consumed by the shocking energy of the unwanted issue, which only leaves us depressed, fearful, angry or hopeless?

You see, when we attempt to find the solutions within the dark under belly of the energy of the problem, we simply do not have access to the light where the answer resides.  We have to step away from the darkness long enough to experience light and allow the beautiful answer to reveal itself.

This why emotional energy management coaching plays such a critical role in the lives of so many of my clients.

For when we can activate a process which helps us control our habitual negative thinking and worry, then we can  allow the Holy Spirit to source us with creative ideas, inner guidance angelic nudges and even supportive people and opportunities.

During this time of transformation we focus and reflect on what's working in our lives with humble gratitude while believing that a creative solution is on it's way with the awareness that even though we do not have an answer yet,  at this very moment all is well.  We can then muster the courage to "Surrender to the When" and witness the ideal outcome.

What an amazing experience!

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